Lichen liking

I found this striking looking Lichen with its antler shaped branches on the path a few days ago.

It’s called (Evernia prunastri) and was attached to an oak twig and is quite common and you might find it also attached to rocks, walls and fences. In France it’s called Mousse de Chene (Oak Moss) although it’s not a moss!
Lichens are not classed as plants as they consist of a fungus growing in a symbiotic relationship with an alga or cyanobacteria which can photosynthesise like plants and produce carbohydrates which the fungus feeds off.
There are about 1400 species in the UK alone!
This one is called Parmelia subrudecta which also attaches to trees in flat greenish-grey patches. It has some moss intertwined with it – possibly Hypnum cupressiforme.
I found this one on a rock in the garden.
This Cup Lichen (Cladonia pyxidata) which produce broad cups from which spores are generated. This a close up so you need to get quite near to see these little rows of coronets.
Remind you of anything?! Enjoy the sunshine if you can and stay safe.

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