Hilbert Woods

Site Information

Comprising both open sports fields and shady wooded parkland, Hilbert Recreation Ground is a great place to walk and enjoy a natural setting in the heart of Tunbridge Wells.

Hilbert Recreation Ground was added to the existing park in 1931, and forms what is now the majority of the Local Nature Reserve. For more info on the Grosvenor Park click here
Roundabout Wood contains both semi natural woodland and wet woodland areas. A circular woodland path runs through the site, which consists of boardwalks and steps allowing access all year round.

The wood lies on a gentle incline, above a small stream, and is made up of oak, hazel and a smaller number of Beech on the dryer slopes. Alder is found on the lower damper slopes, and lines a number of wet flushes that appear throughout the year. The stream running through the woods supports a good range of wildlife, including some uncommon species of fly. The surrounding wet areas also support a vast, rich insect fauna, which includes both local and nationally scarce species.

Each winter KHWP Volunteers coppice an area of the hazel woodland so that sunlight can reach the woodland floor and encourage new growth, replicating how woodlands were managed to provide firewood, timber and fencing materials. This method gives other plants and flowers that support a variety of rare animals and insects the chance to grow.

Site Location

The Hilbert Woods Local Nature Reserve lies within the wider Hilbert Woods and Grosvenor Recreation Grounds, situated to the north-east of Tunbridge Wells.

Access Information

This park and open space have good path networks across the area. Recycled plastic boardwalk has been used to create an all access path through the woodland. This pathway allows for a walk the length of the stream with passing spaces. It is roadside parking only for visitors to the park.

Toilets- Public toilets by the Hub in the main area of the park.

Getting there– Hilbert Woods (Local Nature Reserve)
Meeting point for volunteers is the entrance to the park.
Postcode: TN2 3SF (Hilbert Road entrance)

OS Grid Ref: TQ 594407

Town: Tunbridge Wells

If you need to report an issue at one of our sites, please email cmp@khwp.org.uk. You can also contact the local police on 101 to report anti-social behaviour or 999 if it is an emergency.