Green Wellbeing

Green Wellbeing is an 8 week programme aimed at connecting people with nature through enjoyable activities in the great outdoors. Set on our beautiful allotment, participants take part in weekly 2 hours sessions involving enjoyable and relaxing activities such as woodwork, natural crafts, and bushcraft skills.  The programme and activities are designed to improve mental wellbeing and the site provides a calm and nurturing setting.

Prior to each programme starting there will be 2 taster sessions which will be more informal drop-in sessions so participants can meet the staff and find out what it is all about before committing to the programme.

Green Wellbeing is funded by Live Well Kent and Medway and participants must be referred via the Live Well Kent service – please see the referral link below. For more information please email or call 07545 743416.

Feedback from previous participants:

“Green Wellbeing actively improved my wellbeing and it came at such an important time of year – the transition from winter to spring is difficult and being out in nature watching it blossom was fantastic.”

“Green wellbeing has introduced me to new ways of connecting my wellbeing with nature. I usually link it with gardening and more active season-dependent activities. However, the tasks we did at Green wellbeing were varied and imaginative and showed a new way of using nature and plants to build calming and supportive activities for everyone.”

“I loved the space – very rustic and not too restricted like in your garden for example. Really fluid space with a tranquil and stabilising atmosphere. Wonderful team running the sessions too!”

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